Thursday, May 14, 2015

Worst Blogger Ever :(

Becoming a blogger was one of my New Year Resolutions, and I have to admit, I'm not that great at it. Many times I have thought of good ideas for the blog, or gone to interesting events or restaurants and ended up never getting around to blogging about them.  I have horrible follow through.

This is my renewed effort to become a productive blogger!

Going forward:
Now that summer is coming up, I will have more time to do exciting things and write about them! P and I are also going to Seattle, WA and Portland, OR this summer, so I finally get to add some travel into the blog! I will also be posting more recipes (many healthy, low-carb ones, and some seriously naughty ones!) and restaurant reviews.  Due to the fact that I don't physically go to work in the summer (I'm a teacher, remember?!), I am fully planning to become a lady who lunches, so watch out for that! I can see myself doing an affordable lunches around Westchester series quite easily.

Do you have any ideas or upcoming events you think I should attend and blog about? If so drop me a comment or email ( Let me know what you want to see on the blog and I will find a way to make it happen!

Thanks for putting up with me, I won't let you down!

Worst Blogger Ever


  1. Make a blogging calendar! I vote for weekly Sunday brunch posts!

    1. Also, I need to sort out my gmail accounts so that I have at least one that doesn't use my teacher id.

    2. Yes! I swear there is nothing I love more than brunch.
